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Image by Giammarco Boscaro

Core Philosophy

Harrington Partners goal is to compound capital over the long term through concentrated investments in under valued high-quality businesses.

Harrington Partners looks to invest alongside competent and motivated owner managers in companies that can reinvest capital at above average rates of return for many years.

Patience and independent thought is paramount to achieving this and we look to partner with like-minded investor partners who share our philosophy.

Long-Term Investment Horizon

Long term is core to our view of life and investing. We look to take advantage of time arbitrage supported by patient investors and patient capital. Our ideal holding period is forever.

Business Owner Mindset

We invest in companies that can increase their intrinsic value over time and partner with management that own a significant amount of equity in the business.

Concentrated Portfolio

We eschew the common tenant of diversification as a measure for risk mitigation and put the majority of our capital in our best ideas. Typically this is a portfolio of 10-15 companies.

Capital Protection

Capital protection is paramount to long term investment out performance. We achieve this through investing in conservatively capitalised companies and having a deep understanding of valuation, business and future earnings power risks.

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